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Juniata sweeps Selinsgrove

Juniata sweeps Selinsgrove

By: Selinsgrove Athletics | PIAA District IV | April 1, 2022

SELINSGROVE - Juniata stayed undefeated with a sweep of Selinsgrove.

Selinsgrove No. 1 singles Austin Imhoof, a freshman, pushed Juniata's No. 1 Max Lauver in a 6-3, 6-3 loss to the Indians' player.

Juniata 4, Selinsgrove 0


Max Lauver (J) def. Austin Imhoof, 6-3, 6-3.

Adam French (J) def. Chris Feiler, 6-0, 6-0;

Gavin Kint (J) def. Ben Rowan, 6-0, 6-0.


Emitt Hibbs-Xane Whitsel (J) def. Neil Slavishak-Garrett-Spriggle, 6-0, 6-02.

double forfeit.

Juniata def Selinsgrove 5-0

2nd double FF
1st doubles Emmitt Hibbs/Xane Whitsel def Neil Slavishak/Garrett Spriggle 0-6, 2-6
3rd single Gavin Kint def Ben Rown 0-6, 0-6
2nd single Adam French def Chris Feiler 0-6, 0-6
1st single Max Lauver def Austin Imhoof 3-6, 3-6

