September 7 D4 Scoreboard
September 8, 2021 Ed WeaverPIAA District IV Scoreboard from Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

Hornets rolls to 7-2 win over Williamson on Senior Night
September 8, 2021 Ed WeaverThe Wellsboro Varsity Boys Soccer team hosted Williamson for their home-opener and Senior Night on Tuesday, September 7 and scored a 7-2 win.

September 4 D4 Scoreboard
September 5, 2021 Ed WeaverPIAA District IV Scoreboard from Saturday, September 4, 2021.

Hornets fall at South Williamsport
September 5, 2021 Ed WeaverThe Wellsboro Varsity Boys Soccer team dropped their season-opening game at South Williamsport on Saturday, September 4.

September 3 D4 Scoreboard
September 4, 2021 Ed WeaverPIAA District IV Scoreboard from Friday, September 3, 2021.

Circle W Sports Releases New PIAA District IV Website
September 1, 2021 Ed WeaverWellsboro, PA - PIAA District IV and Circle W Sports have just launched an updated version of their website.

PIAA District 4 August Meeting Agenda
August 2, 2021 Ed WeaverAgenda for PIAA District IV\'s August 3rd meeting.

Guidance For Act 66 of 2021
July 9, 2021 PIAAPIAA, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), has collaborated in providing guidance to families regarding the passage of Act 66 of 2021 (Act 66) and its impact on athletics.

Revised Mitigation Restrictions
March 1, 2021 PIAAMechanicsburg, PA - This morning, the Wolf Administration announced revised mitigation restrictions that are effective today statewide.

Lewisburg's Liscum Selected for 10th Annual Soccer All-American Game
February 18, 2021 Ed WeaverLewisburg senior Ben Liscum has been selected for the 10 annual High School Soccer All-American game taking place in St. Louis, MO in May.