PIAA District IV Boys Track Post-Season Info
Attached you will find all information regarding the 2024 District IV Track and Field Championships.
Contact Information
Daryl Hunsberger
District IV Chair
David Gabriel
District IV Meet Director
Cell: (607) 857-2686
Date and Location
The Class 2A and 3A will meet at Williamsport Area High School on Thursday, May 16 and Saturday, May 18. A rain date of Friday May, 17th is in place if inclement weather should affect the set schedule.
View the official schedule here.
Class 2A
Qualification for the 2024 District IV meet will be determined first, by automatic qualifiers, and second, by the remaining top 24 performances/rankings in the 2A boys and girls classifications as reported and maintained by the pa.milesplit website.
Class 3A
Qualification for the 2024 District IV meet will be determined first by automatic qualifiers and then by the remaining top 16 performances in the 3A boys and girls classifications as reported and maintained by the pa.milesplit website.
SPECIAL NOTE: All 3A schools may enter a relay team in the 4x100, 4x400, and 4x800 meter relays.
Eligible performances must be met in interscholastic competition. This includes dual meets, multi-team meets, and invitational meets. No performances will be accepted from practices, scrimmages, previous years, or any other meet not sanctioned by PIAA. Any performance made after the District Entry Deadline will not be accepted. This deadline is Monday, May 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
It is the coaches' responsibility to upload meet results from meets other than sanctioned invitationals. No performance sent to me will be acknowledged for rankings. It must go through pa.milesplit. No exceptions.
Automatic Qualifier
Automatic Qualifying Marks can be found on the D4 website. Any athlete that ties or surpasses the automatic qualifier in their classification will be guaranteed entry into the 2024 District Meet. The completion of the competitive field in each event per gender classification will then be filled from the rankings list from pa.milesplit.
Example of the Qualifier: If 18 boys automatically qualify for the boys 2A 100 meter dash, then the next top 6 times will be entered from the rankings list on pa.milesplit to fill the field of 24. This is how all events will be conducted except the 3A Relays. All 3A schools gain entry in relay events.
Implement Inspection Times
All implement inspections will be done during a one-time window only on their respective days (Thursday's events will be weighed in on Thursday; Saturday's events will be weighed in on Saturday). No implements will be inspected or be permitted to be used after the inspection period closes. If athletes are arriving later for afternoon events, their implements must be inspected during the open window. No exceptions will be made.
For both classes weigh-ins will be from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Thursday and 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. on Saturday in the field house at the north end of the stadium. Look for the signs.
Pole Vaulter Weigh-Ins
All pole vaulters will be weighed in prior to competition during the above times. Weigh-ins will take place at the same location as the implement inspection. Coaches need to bring their pole vault certification forms with them to the weigh-in.
Coaches are reminded to read and review the rules pertinent to pole and pole vaulter certification. The meet referee, or his/her designee, will collect all pole vault certification sheets and inspect all poles prior to the beginning of any warm-ups. Coaches should bring their vaulter certification sheets with them the day of the meet.
General Information
There will be no seed meeting. All entries will be done online, a performance list, seeding and heat/lane assignments will be posted to the pa.milesplit website prior to the meet and sent via email.
All entry will be done via pa.milesplit. Entries are currently open and close at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024. Coaches can submit entries at any time and are encouraged to do so.
Final Declaration
No athletes can be added to the meet after the entry period closes for their classification. No athlete can be entered in more than four (4) events, which includes relays.
Example: If an athlete is qualified in 6 different events, his or her four (4) committed events that they will compete in MUST be declared by the final declaration time. No athlete will be listed in more than (4) events in the meet program. No exceptions.
Coaches can make final declarations by editing entry marks on pa.milesplit or by contacting David Gabriel before 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024.
Entry Limits
4 events per athlete maximum, including relays. 3 athletes per school, per event maximum. Please double check. Coaches will be required to provide validation of times/distances if challenged. 1 (one) ranked relay team per event, per school. You may substitute athletes who have less than 4 events into the relays the day of the meet.
All NFHS rules, with Pennsylvania exceptions, will be enforced. This includes uniform regulations. Consult a registered PIAA official if you have any questions.
Seeding Procedures
- The meet will be contested on a track with eight (8) lanes.
- All distances are in meters.
- In the preliminaries of the 100m, 100h, and 110h. The fastest qualifier will be placed in lane 4 of the first heat. The next fastest in lane 4 of the second heat, etc. The pattern of lanes will be 4-5-3-6-2-7-1-8 in the 100, 100h, 110h. Advancement will be based on either time or place, depending on the number of heats.
- Where the number of heats is equal to or less than the number of lanes being used (i.e. 8 in the 100m, 100h, 110h) the method of advancement will be on place then time. The 8 qualifiers will run in the final.
- 300IMs, 200m, and 400m will be final races on time. The 8 fastest qualifiers will compete in the last heat. No heat will have fewer than 2 athletes.
- The 400m relay will be run entirely in lanes, using the 4-5-3-6-2-7-1-8 pattern with the fastest qualifier in lane 4. No heat will be run with fewer than 2 teams.
- The 800m, 1600m and 3200m will start from 2 alleys, and will run a one turn stagger to the break-line by the 300m start. Runners will be seeded across the two alleys (for example, #1 will be inside, #2 outside, etc.). If more than 1 heat is required, the 12 fastest ranked competitors will run in the fast heat.
- The first leg of the 1600m relay will be run as a 3-turn stagger, breaking at the 300m start. The fastest qualifier will be in lane 4. No heat will be run with fewer than 2 teams.
- The 3200m relay will use two alleys. The fastest qualifier will be in position 1.
- In the throwing and horizontal jumping events, the best qualifier will compete last in the trials.
- In the finals, the order of competition will be in reverse order of the trials performances. 9 competitors (and ties for 9th) will advance from the trials to the finals.
- In the pole vault and high jump, the "5 alive" procedure will be used, with the best qualifier listed last on the sheet.
- All measurements in the field events will be in feet and inches.
2A Girls and Boys: 8 places will be scored for individual events and relays. (10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1)
3A Girls: 6 places will be scored for individual events and relays. (10-8-6-4-2-1)
3A Boys: 8 places will be scored for individual events and relays. (10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1)
Medals will be awarded to the top 8 places in both boys and girls 2A classifications.
Medals will be awarded to the top 4 places in both boys and girls 3A classifications.
Excuse Time
Athletes will be excused for a maximum of 15 minutes to compete in another event. The athlete has 15 minutes from the time that they check out with the chief judge to present themselves for their next attempt. If they do not return in that time frame, the effort will be marked as a "pass". Athletes will not be held in the paddock. The order of competitors in finals in the field events may be altered within reason to accommodate athletes in other events.
- All implements will be weighed and inspected prior to competition and must be in compliance with NFHS specifications.
- Weigh-ins and implement inspection for ALL throwing events will begin at the posted time on the time schedule. All implements to be used in competition are to be inspected during this period. No implements will be inspected after the weigh-in period closes.
- Coaches are encouraged to only bring implements that will actually be used in competition. Inspecting and weighing extra implements slows the process and creates greater confusion.
Hurdles, Starting Blocks, Cross Bars
Meet management will provide all hurdles, starting blocks and crossbars. If you have special starting block requests (i.e. Moye block) contact David Gabriel, Meet Director, directly. Rakes, brooms, shovels, etc. will be provided by Williamsport.
Per facility management, no Easy-Up tents or tents with any protruding stakes will be allowed on the infield for any reason.
Circles are concrete; the javelin approach is the same as the track surface; horizontal runways and high jump areas are the same as the track surface.
Field Event Warm-Ups
Warm-ups in the field events will not be permitted until an adult official, event worker or coach is present at the event. Safety dictates that we provide adult supervision during all warm-up periods in all field events.
Special Note for the high jump: Only tape will be allowed for use as markers on the high jump apron. A maximum of two (2) pieces, per athlete will be allowed. Athletes may NOT put tape down prior to the warm period beginning, once the official arrives at the venue. All tape will be removed prior to the beginning of the warm-up period for the next event. Officials will ask all competitors to initial their tape marks when putting them down.
Results will be posted and updated Live and available on the pa.milesplit website. Live Link will be made available closer to the meet. Complete final results will be posted to this website within 24 hours of the completion of the meet.
Entry Mechanism
PIAA has chosen to use pa.milesplit.com for District IV meet entries.
In order to maintain verification of marks, please submit meet results to pa.milesplit and email Ed Weaver at ed@circlewsports.com throughout the season.
This can be done by using the purchased software Hy-Tek meet management system; using the free software available from pa.milesplit called Racetab; or using the excel file available off the piaad4.net page.
Individual performances maintained on your team page within pa.milesplit will not work.